Monday, January 16, 2012


We finally made it home. We actually left Saturday night and drove all night!! Now, we are messed up on our sleep! We have to go to Illinois Wednesday for Russ' job interview. Will post to let everyone know if he gets the job! If not, guess we'll be on the road again looking for work.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snowing again!

We are on our way to pick up the trailer to tow my car home and it's snowing again!!

Russ took the picture of the outside temperature and it's 10:00 in the morning...can't imagine how cold it was at 5:00 AM when I took the dogs outside!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Coming home

Russ did not have to go to Boston and he still doesn't have a job. So, we are going to end this part of our journey and head home on Sunday.

The people at our resort won't give us any of our money back, even though we were here less than two weeks. I told Russ for what this little journey has cost us we could have been sitting on the beach in Mexico for at least a week! It would have beat these frigid temps - its 1 degrees as I type this!!!

Angel ran off today. Of course it's Russ' fault because he wasn't paying attention! Lol!! It was at least two hours before she returned to the cabin. We were driving all around looking for her, but there are hundreds - no probably thousands- of acres of woods. It's so cold we were worried she would freeze to death. Thank goodness she came back or we would not be headed home until we found her!

Despite some of the road blocks we have encountered on our adventure, we have had an amazing time! We went back to the town of Walker again yesterday. Its probably no bigger than Leadington, but it has cute shops. Russ is excited about his interview in Bloomington. I will keep everyone posted of where we are headed!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back to Walker

Today we went back to Walker to browse around. Not much going on. We only got a dusting of snow.

Russ might be headed to Boston for a storm. We will know tomorrow if he is going.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fun day!

Today we went to this cute little town called Walker. It's about 25 miles away. We had lunch at a really beautiful log restaurant. It was called the Lucky Moose Bar and Grill.

We then went into some of the shops in Walker's downtown. I saw some of the most beautiful pieces of furniture that were hand made from logs and deer antlers.

When we got back to our cabin, sweet little Wrango had escaped from his crate!! Luckily, he didn't chew up one thing!! At least not that I have found!!

I made Shepard Pie for dinner, but Russ' friend Jim was too tired to come eat so we delivered dinner! He was so excited!

It is supposed to snow tonight, tomorrow and Thursday. I'm not sure how much we will get, but I'm excited. I think we might try to walk out on the ice tomorrow while it's snowing and take some pics!! Spot hasn't felt good today, I think it's the weather moving in. Her arthritis seems to really be bothering her.

The pictures are Russ and I inside the restaurant today, me outside the restaurant and a really funny sign I saw in the window of a dime store!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

No new news

We still don't have any work news. The boss did tell Russ, though, that some guys might be leaving this week. Hope so!!

I went to the laundry mat today. Bad idea!! It cost a fortune and took forever to dry everything! The lodge here has two washers and dryers, but it was closed. The owners went out of town for a couple of days. Guess I'll wait next time!

Russ' friend Jim is coming back for dinner tomorrow night. Russ ordered Shepard Pie. Jim said he took the cinnamon rolls to work today, that we gave him last night, to help suck up for Russ! Lol!! He said everyone loved them!

Check out the view from the front of our cabin. One picture was taken outside and one was from the window inside- I think it has a glare. Also another pic of our cabin. It's supposed to snow more tomorrow night and Wednesday!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Busy day!

Today was a busy day. I cooked most of the day and Russ watched football on tv. Spot seemed to feel really good this morning- she was running and howling at rabbits! Then , she slept most of the afternoon.

Russ' friend Jim came for dinner and he is a super nice guy! I made chicken and dumplings, home made rolls, green beans, mashed potatoes, and oatmeal cake for dessert. Jim was really happy because all he's had is canned soup and sandwiches. I also sent with him some home made cinnamon rolls.

The pics are: Spot going for a walk, our cabin, a pic of it snowing Friday night, my dough for home made rolls, and Wrango laying on Angel on our trip here (I forgot to post this pic),